
Investigation into the efficacy of a neural network approach to concentration measurements of ethanol in water based on multianalyzer inputs

O'Neill, Martina.

Investigation into the efficacy of a neural network approach to concentration measurements of ethanol in water based on multianalyzer inputs [Journal article] / M. O'Neill, E. Cass, N. D. McMillan and J. Kragel. - American Society of Brewing Chemists,St. Paul, 2001.

From: Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Volume 59 (2), 2001, pages 90-95. The library does not hold this article in hardcopy or electronic format. Qualifying users may request this article through our Inter-Library Loan Service. Co-authored by IT Carlow staff members.

O'Neill, M.

Surface tension--Periodical articles.
Refractive index--Periodical articles.
Tensiograph--Periodical articles.
IT Carlow / Carlow RTC--Author affiliation.

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