
Oideas. 51, Spring 2005

Oideas. 51, Spring 2005 [world wide web resource] / Department of Education and Science. - Dublin : Stationery Office, 2005. - Web resource (129p.).

The library does not hold this issue in hardcopy format.

Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Co-operative Learning / Treasa Kirk -- Parents' Associations: Co-operatives or Cliques: An Investigation of the Extent to which Parents' Associations Exist and to which Parents Join Them / Brian Mac Giolla Phádraig -- Introducing Teacher Appraisal: Critical Issues for Consideration / Ronan Ward -- Teaching and Learning in Multigrade Classrooms: More Questions Than Answers / Catherine Mulryan Kyne -- Language Planning Issues Pertinent to Intervention with the Young Deaf Child / Robert Fourie -- Peter Goodman: Ireland's First Music Inspector / Mary McAuliffe Ryng.



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