
City as an entertainment machine

City as an entertainment machine [electronic resource] / Edited by Terry Nichols Clark. - Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2009. - 336 p. : ill. - Research in urban policy ; v. 9, 1479-3520 Emerald ebook. .

Emerald ebook. Ebook. PDF. Epublication rendering of: 9780762310609, 2003. IT Carlow ebook

Introduction: taking entertainment seriously (T. Nichols Clark). A political theory of consumption (T. Nichols Clark). Urban amenities: lakes, opera, and juice bars: do they drive development? (T. Nichols Clark). Globalization and the liminal: transgression, identity and the urban primitive (L. Langman, K. Cangemi). Consumers and cities (E.L. Glaeser et al.). The new political culture and local government in England (A. Bartlett et al.). Technology and tolerance: the importance of diversity to high-technology growth (R. Florida, G. Gates). Gays and urban development: how are they linked? (T. Nichols Clark). Amenities: recent work mainly by economists (A. Zelenev). The international mayor (T. Nichols Clark et al.). Starbucks, bicycle paths, and urban growth machines: emails among members of urban and community section of American Sociological Association. (Listserve). Amenities drive urban growth: leadership and policy linkages (T. Nichols Clark et al.). List of contributors, biographical sketches.


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