
Authority search results

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Results 1 to 20 of 84

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Topical Term:
Abused childre Services for Ireland
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children
used for/see from:
Battered children
Child abuse victims
Maltreated children
Victims of child abuse
see also:
Children (Broader heading)
Victims of crimes (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Abused children
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Family relationships
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Ireland History
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Ireland Identification
Details Topical Term 2 records
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for
used for/see from:
Child abuse Services (Earlier heading)
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for Great Britain
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for Ireland
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for Ireland
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for Ireland
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for Ireland
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Abused children Services for Ireland Kilkenny (County) Case studies
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Adult child sexual abuse victims
used for/see from:
Adult survivors of child sexual abuse
Adults sexually abused as children
Child sexual abuse victims, Adult
see also:
Adult child abuse victims (Broader heading)
Sexual abuse victims (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 4 records
Topical Term:
Adult child sexual abuse victims Counseling of
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Adult child sexual abuse victims Counseling of Ireland
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Child abuse
used for/see from:
Abuse of children
Child maltreatment
Child neglect
Children Abuse of
Cruelty to children (Earlier heading)
Maltreatment of children
Neglect of children
see also:
Child welfare (Broader heading)
Children Crimes against (Broader heading)
Family violence (Broader heading)
Parent and child (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 2 records
Topical Term:
Child abuse
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Child abuse
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Child abuse
Details Topical Term 1 record
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